
We have a dedicated compliance team who oversees the Compliance function. The Instructions of the Central Bank of Kuwait , as well as , the laws of state of Kuwait , in particular , Law No. 106 of year 2013 as approved by the Council of Ministers is always adhered to.

We observe all the required policies and procedures needed to be in compliance with the international laws , especially the 40 recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) so that our correspondents worldwide are assured of the transactions received through Aman Exchange.

We also engage the services of Reputed International Auditing Firms to audit our compliance procedures on a regular basis.


We have put in place Anti fraud policies and procedures which are in line with the best practices and that will help in the detection and prevention of frauds against Aman or its assocoates.

Further, Aman also lays emphasis on the proctection of its consumers from various consumer frauds, through its numerous guidance programs, introduced from time to time .